Plasticiteit en Herhaling (2016), Tijdschrift voor Psychoanalyse, 22 (1)
Culture as Container (2015), presentation at the European Association of Analytical Psychologists conference, Trieste, Italy
The Subjective Sense of Self (2012), presentation at the European Association of Analytical Psychologists conference in St. Petersburg, Russia
Trauma Dreams and Reconnection, book chapter in Roads and Boundaries: Travels in search of (re)connection (2011), edited by: Marian Tankink, Marianne Vysma
Family Secrets (2009), presentation at the C.G. Jung Foundation, New York, United States
Living with Ghosts: The pathology and potential of the intergenerational effects of surviving collective violence (2008), presentation at the conference ‘Consciousness and Spirit’, Yale University, United States
Intersubjectivity as an Analytical Tool in Anthropological Research (2007), Tijdschrift voor Medische Antropologie, 19 (1)
After Babel: Understanding the other is a creative act (2007), presentation at the symposium ‘Intersubjectiity as an analytic tool’, University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Sleeping, Dreaming, Remembering (2005), presentation to the Nederlandse Associatie voor Analytische Psychology