The heart has its reasons that reason knows nothing of.

— Blaise Pascal

There are moments when you need someone to talk to who will listen to what cannot immediately be said, when you feel stuck or overwhelmed, when you are searching for new ways of being in the world.

Transitional space
In therapy and in coaching I offer a transitional space to enter a process that may lead to a deeper understanding of yourself and your life. Psychoanalysis and anthropology are each a prism that offers a way of looking beyond the surface of what happens – in the inner and in the outer world – to understand the meaning and purpose of your feelings and experiences.

The aim is to reconnect you to yourself and to the people who are important to you. The energy that grows such (re-) connective tissue are our emotions. Together, we will search for images that symbolize the emotions so they can be assimilated and shared.

My specialty is in assisting people with issues of cultural complexity around identity and belonging that result from an international way of living and working, such as immigration, expatriate assignments and repatriation, cross-cultural marriages, and third-culture kids.

Marianne Vysma

Marianne Vysma

Jungian Psychoanalist
Medical Anthropologist